Learning To Walk Away.

My fiance got his co-worker pregnant. Our wedding is in 2 months and everything’s paid for. He says he still loves me and that he made a mistake. What should I do? What would you do? Learn to move on.

four points here.

One, there is a fundamental truth behind getting someone pregnant.

For pregnancy to happen, they need to have sexual intercourse.

For that to happen, they need to be at least partially naked.

For that to happen, they need to be in a private space.

For that to happen, your fiance should have either bottled-up feelings or the inability to say no to her bottled-up desires.

The thing is, he never thought about you during this entire sequence.

This is way too big to fit into a word called ‘mistake.’

Your fiance is a man of weak character.

Two, your fiance got someone pregnant, which means he never used protection.

Now, say that lady has some STDs; it could have been transmitted to your fiance.

And that can transmit to you.

So, if your weak character fiance keeps doing this after marriage as well, your health will be at huge risk.


Let’s say he used a condom and there was a contraceptive failure. That means, he had planned it well, carried a condom, wore it, and did the act all the while not worrying about cheating on you. That way, case 1 becomes stronger now.

Three, let’s say he is having a kid.

That becomes a financial and emotional pressure. Your fiance would be liable for child support— from kindergarten to college fees, tricycle to bike, apples to Apple, ice-creams to iPhone— for around 18 years. This affects your finances strongly.

The emotional stress he has from bringing up a child can affect your relationship as well.

If you are not okay with both of these, you will thus be signing up for an unwanted, unexpected, unbearable disadvantage because of him.

Fourth, in economics, there is a term called Sunk Cost Fallacy.

It happens when you are so attached to the emotions that you forget to think logically, and you are so caught up in the past that you forget to think about the future.

In your case, you have trusted the wrong person. Everyone makes wrong choices one way or the other. (sh)it happens. I, for example, took mechanical engineering like that only.

In this process, you have wasted time. This of course you can never get back.

You have wasted money. This of course you can get back differently.

But if you regret these two investments in the past and want to cover them up with your future by marrying that person, it is a dangerous thing to do. That would only result in far more significant than the current investments in money, time, and energy.

So thank nature or God or luck that this happened before marriage and move on.

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