COS: Your UK Sponsorship has failed. What next?

World’s Black Community Wall Forums Advice & Nuggets COS: Your UK Sponsorship has failed. What next?

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  • blackinsync

    I am writing this piece with a lot of pain because I spoke with one of our members over the weekend and the state of criminal COS sellers in the UK is shocking. How do they get away with this?

    I have now spoken with 3 people whose COS have been revoked and are stranded with no work or income while looking for another sponsorship. The cheapest one of them found was £13k to get a new sponsorship while still paying instalments for the ‘sure one’ that ended up failing.

    I have therefore decided to put the following helpful tips together. For all Black In Sync members on WhatsApp and here, please add more useful information you know.

    I will put this in two-fold: first to warn those who are yet to fall victim to buying COS and the next would be for those already suffering from a failed COS – what can you do next?

    My utmost advice to Africans especially Nigerians (they do this more than any other Africans) who are considering buying COS is this: Do not bother.

    I know you are wondering why and those selling the sponsorship who are reading this are probably frowning.

    Here is why: there are too many people on COS vs the number of jobs FACT! Over 70% of people on COS (especially those who got one in the past year) are not getting enough work hours to afford basic living in the UK let alone debt repayment. More so, someone (companies) selling COS would have often set up a company and get the COS purely for business purposes and not with your best interest at heart beyond the initial transaction. The way COS should work is a company that has a role that they cannot genuinely fill in the UK, they then sponsor foreigners (for free) while enjoying your skills and you (hopefully) enjoy the relocation and salary.

    What then? Well, look for companies that are offering real jobs, with enough hours and are sponsoring. Unfortunately, not many of them left and the UK is getting tougher. For example, I was able to give 2 people genuine sponsorship last year for real jobs with skills that were low in the UK. Fast forward less than 12 months later, and their roles no longer qualify for COS. However, they are already sorted for the entire five-year duration with real work that pays them enough to live and save money. They can also file for their Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) thereafter.

    Although companies offering real jobs with COS are low and rare, they still abound – do your research and you will find them. We also share some of those roles on the Black In Sync WhatsApp group from time to time. Click here to join>>

    See a list of some companies that are still offering COS here>> There are more online if you do your research

    If you are already in the UK and your COS has been revoked, refer to the same advice above in terms of finding the next COS. It is much easier and cheaper for a company to sponsor you without having to think about the cost of transportation you over (including you settling in) versus getting someone new abroad – you have that edge.

    See a list of some companies that are still offering COS here>> There are more online if you do your research

    However, while this is going on, you need some money to flow.

    Here are a few tips:

    1. Put your skills to work: You can start sharing the word about what you can do and get paid for in the black community. We have a few reputable ones including Black In Sync, ODF, Returnees and others.

    2. Join Online Directories: You can list your skills or services on some online portals and get people to approach you for them. You can also see what tasks people require that you can provide on local directories like the following:
    a) NextDoor: This is a local platform (website or app) that allows people to request services (painter, cleaner, etc). You can approach these people and start getting reviews. You can also put a post up that you are offering X & Y services in certain areas. Although it is also an app where people report everything happening in their area including crime, I have got decent cleaners and painters on it and I have managed to get a quick cash-in-hand job on it too. Click here to check out NextDoor>>
    b) Bark: My first-ever DJ gig came from this platform. I have recently found out that other services including cleaning (once got a cleaner here) and others are available. You can list your services and bid for jobs.
    c) GumTree>> The UK’s number 1 classified ads site is your one place to get almost everything and also offer everything. However, be careful as there are lots of scammers on there too.
    d) MyBuilder>>
    e) TaskRabbit: If you are good at moving and assembling this, this is for you. Many people in UK buying furniture cannot be bothered to assemble them so you can help and make money.

    Want more nuggets like this including the latest jobs, socials and news, join us on WhatsApp>>

    Have more genuine tips, register on this site/app and add to this thread>>

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by blackinsync.
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