Bit Of Wisdom

Some fights are worth the risk, and some will get you killed, but you are dead already if you are not fighting at all, strive for the best
Don’t kill yourself over a mistake. Learn the lessons and become better
Crying endlessly over a mistake will never correct
If your previous relationship was a mistake, why are you repeating the same thing that led to it
The truth about you is that, you can’t live long enough to learn only from your mistakes. Learn from other people’s mistakes too
If you have ended Four relationships for the same reasons, please do a self appraisal to know if you are the problem
Genuine self appraisal is like looking at yourself in a full mirror. You would know if you are in shape or out of shape

If your relationship does not inspire you in anyway, think again
Have you ever asked yourself if you are waiting or wasting?
Sometimes, what we call patience is actually playing. Don’t get it twisted
Have you ever heard the saying. “what will be will be?”
I think it’s because of that saying they coined the local saying. dey play
Don’t be deceived, if you don’t do the needful, what will be will be changed

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