First Black player to receive England call-up Jack Leslie’s Family received posthumous honorary cap from the FA.

Jack Leslie was called up to the England squad in 1925, but denied an appearance because of the colour of his skin; the Football Association presented his family with a posthumous honorary cap, 98 years after he was called up, before England’s Euro 2024 qualifier against Ukraine

The inside-left, who scored 137 goals in 400 appearances for Plymouth between 1921 and 1934, was called up to the national team in 1925, but denied an England appearance because of the colour of his skin, after selectors learnt about his heritage. Leslie died in 1988 and was immortalized by a statue that was unveiled outside Argyle’s Home Park stadium in October, with FA chair Debbie Hewitt later confirming Leslie last year had been posthumously awarded an England cap 97 years after he was called up.

“The FA is awarding Jack a posthumous honorary cap, to recognise his unique contribution and set of circumstances – and to right the historical wrong,” she said.

“I had the privilege of meeting Lesley, Jack’s granddaughter, at a recent international game at Wembley, where we had the opportunity to recognize the family’s determination, courage and resilience to have Jack’s story told and through the efforts of Lesley and her sisters Lyn and Gill, to change perceptions in football and more broadly in society.

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